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Gendai Reiki Classes

Hiroshi Doi Sensei retired from teaching in 2023.  He will no longer offer the Gendai Reiki Master Courses. It is very important to learn from a Master near where you live so that you can receive ongoing follow-up.  Please check this website to find a Gendai Reiki Master near you.   If none are available in your area, feel free to reach out to us for further assistance.

Distance teaching is not allowed in Gendai Reiki.

Avoid masters who teach multiple levels in a row.
This type of teaching creates people who understand only a small part of Reiki and cannot use it.  Levels 3 and 4 must not be taught consecutively.  Ta
king Level 4 qualifies you to teach. If you take Levels 3 and 4 consecutively, you will become a Master without the most important spiritual development taught in Level 3, inherited from Mikao Usui Sensei, which should be taken long enough to truly experience and understand. 

Reiki is a life-long learning process. You should learn it slowly and steadily. Gendai Reiki is structured so that you can practice and progress without difficulty. 

If you find a Gendai Reiki Master who violates this, please let me know. If I warn such masters and they do not change their ways, I will prohibit the use of the name "Gendai Reiki" and stop providing official manuals. The name "Gendai Reiki" is a registered trademark.


Dear Gendai Reiki masters,

How are you?  

How should a Gendai Reiki master cope with the current difficulties in face-to-face training?
The Japanese government has declared a state of emergency for the second time, and I had to cancel all my seminars. As many Gendai Reiki masters in the world suffer, I have also been tackling this issue.
I decided to seek advice from Usui Sensei by contacting him through my morning and evening meditations with the "How to Contact the Higher State" technique in Level III.
I have received the following suggestions, which I would like to share with you.

There are two important roles for a Gendai Reiki master.

The first is to enhance one's spirituality and to live a peaceful life.
In order to lead other people, we must first prepare ourselves.

The second is to correctly convey the essence of Reiki and how to utilize it.

Teaching Gendai Reiki correctly is not about giving a good explanation in a seminar but about communicating what you have gained through your own experiences and practice with your personality in the same energy field.
Passing a torch directly from the hand of the founder, Usui Sensei, to the next person's hand is the transmission, not giving a picture of the torch.

For a master, spreading Reiki is also an important role, but it requires timing. You can't hand out the torch in the middle of a storm. That would mean extinguishing the fire of tradition.

It may be difficult now, but the best time will come for sure.
Just as there is no night without dawn, the difficult times will not last forever.
Looking forward to that time, understand that this is the time to strengthen your own brilliance, and concentrate on increasing resonance between your inner Reiki and Reiki in the Universe.

I would like to take this suggestion as it is and follow the international rules and the guidance of Reiki.

Hiroshi Doi

©2021 Gendai Reiki Healing Association

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